Jumuisha Initiative CBO is focused to reach more youths even over the COVID-19 pandemic. The organization has continued to support youths who are affected by the pandemic in an indirect way. Volunteers in this organization have conducted forums across the country to reach out to teenage girls.

UN Sustainable development goals, SDG 4 advocate for inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. In its implementation there are targets set to ensure an inclusive, sustainable and resilient society. This translate to mentorship of youth into a responsible future citizenry and forms the basis of our organizational objectives and operations.
With learning institutions closing down and youth staying at home over the pandemic period, high numbers of teenage pregnancies have been recorded across Kenya. According to the Ministry of Health, GoK, this has been brought about by irresponsibility and idleness.
Jumuisha Initiative seeks to help resolve the post pandemic issue by creating awareness on menstrual health hygiene and pre-marital sex engagement among teenage girls. Discipline during the home stay and gender based violence awareness is also done during the program implementation. This program is designed to encourage teenage girls to be aware of sex predators and how to protect themselves. Sanitary towels are provided to the participants at the end of forums.
With the support of Jumuisha volunteers and friends, resource mobilization has been conducted to effectively implement this pads drive project. We have conducted this project in Loodariak- Kajiado County, Kibra- Nairobi County, Mavindini and Makindu in Makueni County.
We seek to reach out to more places within this period and in future.
If you wish to volunteer or partner with us you can reach us through our contact details info@jumuisha.or.ke and copy to jumuishacbo@gmail.com